Monday, June 27, 2011

Presidential burn-out poll

 It's the week before the 4th of July, so, feeling both patriotic and curious, I'm trying my hand at a new feature here. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a poll that asks the question: which Republican hopeful's flame will burn out first?

If he takes half as much care of the country
as his immaculate facial hair, we're in good shape
There is no "undecided" option, because I'm loath to think that someone out there would actually take the time to log on to a site to declare that they have no opinion. The poll includes only the major candidates; however, for an interesting read, you can log on to Wikipedia's list of declared candidates to see who has actually registered. It's a bigger list than I thought and includes many candidates I've never heard of, including Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey, who is apparently the illegitimate offspring of Ron Jeremy and the "V for Vendetta" guy.

The poll closes on the 4th of July, so enter your answer now.

1 comment:


    The primary should really come down to a mustache contest between him and this guy.
